
This course is an immersive one-week program, combining theoretical knowledge and practical skills in both clinical and molecular genetics. This course is tailored to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the principles and applications of genetics in medical and research settings. Whether you're new to the field or seeking to refresh your knowledge, this course will equip you with essential skills and insights.

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:

-  Develop a deep understanding of both theoretical knowledge and practical skills in clinical and molecular genetics; spanning key concepts and methodologies.

-  Establish a strong foundation in the principles and applications of genetics, including DNA structure, gene expression, and genetic variation.

-  Gain hands-on experience in essential genetic techniques, such as DNA extraction, PCR, and DNA sequencing preparing you for laboratory work and research.

-  Develop the ability to interpret and analyze genetic dataTop of Form

Instructor information

Amnah Bdier, PhD

- Assistant Professor in Biology and Genetics

Maher Al-Ghedan, MSc

- MSc. in Biotechnology of Assisted Human Reproduction and Embryology

Mariam Homsi, BSc

- Molecular Genetics Laboratory Technologist

Sufyan Ajeen, BSc

- Molecular Genetics Laboratory Technologist

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  • Format Online (Live)
  • Category Genetics
  • Students 14
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