
This comprehensive online course is tailored for professionals seeking to enhance their expertise in the proper techniques and ethical considerations surrounding cord blood collection. This course offers a deep dive into the collection of vital biological materials during childbirth. Participants will gain invaluable knowledge and practical skills to ensure the safe, effective, and ethical collection of cord blood.

Learning outcomes

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

·         Recognize the medical and research applications of cord and placental blood.

·         Understand regulatory guidelines, ethical principles, and legal considerations.

·         Perform cord blood collection with precision and confidence.

·         Implement best practices and resolve practical challenges.

·         Ensure ethical compliance, including patient consent and privacy.

·         Implement quality assurance protocols and accurate documentation.

Instructor information

Yasmin Alkhatib, MD

- Obstetrics and gynecology specialist

- MSc in Obstetrics & Gynecology

- Former member of the International Federation of Medical Students’ Association “IFSMA


Upon completion of this course, the attendance certificate will be sent to you via email within 10 working days.

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  • Format Online (Recorded)
  • Category Stem Cells
  • Students 100
  • Start 08 January 2024
  • End 31 March 2024
  • Registration End 31 March 2024
Registration is closed